Virtuozzo Linux 4.X – action scripts


A partir de la 4.0, los scripts específicos por VPS se encontrarán en:


Pueden haber los siguientes tipos:

global mount

This script runs immediately after vzctl mounts the Container private area. The Container itself is not yet running and the script is running in the Host OS context.


This script runs immediately after the global mount script. The Container is still not running, and the scripts is called in the Host OS context.


After vzctl has started a Container, it runs the Container start script. The script is running already in the Container context.


This script runs before the Container is stopped, in the Container context.


After the Container has been already stopped, the umount script is executed, and the script runs in the Host OS context.

global umount

This script runs when vzctl is about to dismount the Container private area. It also runs in the Host OS context.

Yo probé de crear un “mount” dentro para un VPS en concreto que hacía un mapeo con mount a una carpeta del VPS de una carpeta del anfitrión. Luego paré, reboté, etc el VPS y la carpeta mapeada en el container aparecía correctamente. Tuve más problemas cuando probé con otros scripts pero esto para salir del paso ya me funcionó.


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