Virtuozzo 4.6 – nuevas funcionalidades

Es un copy/paste de la documentación oficial. Copio sólo lo que me interesa, para tenerlo en mente.

Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 includes the following new features and improvements:
New Features
• Disk I/O limits
You can configure the bandwidth a Container is allowed to use for its disk input and output
(I/O) operations by means of the vzctl set –iolimit command. Limiting the disk I/O
bandwidth can help you prevent situations when high disk activities in one Container can slow
down the performance of other Containers on the Hardware Node.
• Disk I/O limits for backups and migrations
You can set disk I/O limits for backup, restore, and migration operations so that no Container
on the Node can exceed the specified limit when performing any of these operations. To set an
I/O limit, you need to configure the VZ_TOOLS_BCID and VZ_TOOLS_IOLIMIT parameters
in the global configuration file (/etc/vz/vz.conf).
• Disk I/O accounting
You can view disk input and output (I/O) statistics for Containers by using the vzstat utility or
examining the /proc/bc//iostat file. Using this statistics, you can easily identify
Containers that generate the highest disk I/O load on the Hardware Node.
• Modern Linux distributions support
You can install Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 on servers running the following Linux
* CentOS 4 and 5
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 with Service Pack 3
You can now create Containers running the following Linux distributions:
* CentOS 4 and 5
* Debian 5.0
* Fedora 12 and 13
* OpenSUSE 11 with Service Packs 1, 2, and 3
* Oracle Enterprise Linux Server 5.x
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5
* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, 10, and 11
* Ubuntu 8.04, 9.10, 10.04, and 10.10
• Parallels Virtual Automation (PVA) 4.6.2 support
Parallels Virtual Automation 4.6.2 can now manage Hardware Nodes running Parallels
Virtuozzo Containers 4.6. You can choose to install the PVA components (PVA Agent and
PVA Master Node) during the Parallels Virtuozzo Containers 4.6 installation.
To set up the PVA Master Node component, an active Internet connection is required.
• Online migration improvements
* You can now migrate Containers with one or more Network File System version 3 (NFSv3)
directories mounted.
* You can now migrate Containers with one or more AutoFS mount points, including NFSv3
directories managed by AutoFS.
* You can now migrate Containers with processes that have open device files, named pipes,
and Unix sockets hidden by another filesystem that was mounted over the directory where
these objects resided.
• iotop support in Containers
You can now run the iotop utility in Containers to determine processes that generate the
highest disk I/O load.


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